Friday, 26 June 2009

Nineteen, you're only nineteen for god's sake.

New year's resolutions,
because it'll be a new year for me soon. :)

x.I'd like to be more organised.
Maybe not so far as drawing up a timetable, but definitely having daily targets of things to complete, and sticking to them.

x.Keep a sketchbook journal.
I don't draw or paint ever recently, and I'd like to start taking more photographs, so keeping a diary/sketchbook will hopefully encourage me to do these things more often.

x.Get a regular sleep pattern.

x.Start building up a portfolio/start presenting ideas properly.
I need to keep a sketchbook for ideas and go through a proper design process of research, sketches, material tests and stuff like that so I can do things with a more organised approach and not be so disheartened if it doesn't come out exactly how I hoped the first time. I can document it, lean from it and try again.

x.Get better at web design so I can apply for jobs like this:

I'll probably add to this as I think of new things ^-^

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