The big one nine is fast approaching. And I am preparing myself for the question I can never answer because by the time parents/grandparents ask I've forgotten about all the stuff I've seen in shops and fallen in love with ^-^.
"Is there anything you want for your birthday?"
Well yes actually there is...
I've already ordered these two on behalf of my mum and Jack (I did run it past them first) cause I don't think they're going to be available much longer and if I don't get them soon they'll be gone forevs! D: AND they've all got about £10 off.
Yes that's right. I ordered my own birthday presents ahha. No, I didn't think I could get any more lame either.

Bubble machine! Not necessarily this one, but I can't find a decent toy one for sale on a UK website. And this one seems pretty epic. (that bit of vocabulary is from playing too much WoW. :|)

Polka dot Topshop dress/
a dress I think is exactly the same but £15 cheaper.
Harlequin sequin dress. I'm not 100% sure about this one. I love the harlequin diamond pattern/sequins but the colours aren't in a proper repeat pattern which makes it look messy. I know that's really stupid but it'd bother me. ahha.

Grey Acid Pull on JeansThey're basically leggings that look like jeans. Which I would have killed for back when I couldn't find any skinny jeans skinny enough for my twiggy legs aha. But they're actually such a puuuurfect idea. I want lots of them. But they're quite expensive. (there's a cheap version
here but they're not as nice.)

Insight Nebular Panda One Piece.
6.Any of these plz!
Panda kigurumi
Mickey Mouseketeer hat. I've ALWAYS wanted one of these

Navy (lol) Sailor dress.
Me & Zena TV necklace. 
Me & Zena Love-o-meter necklace/earrings.
Puzzle Bobble DS
Vivian Westwood Melissa shoes. I want all of them but the ones with the hearts are the cutest and they've sold out of 5's :( I like the Mary Janes and the 3 strap's which they've got in a 5, but they're even more expensive. There was a pair of the Ultragirl flats in Urban Outfitters at Bluewater. They really do smell of Bubblegum. ♥
Things that didn't make the cut cause they're unrealistic/expensive: Trip to Japan, Laser cutter, Giant Totoro plush, Emma Cook for Topshop solouteverywherebutebay boots, Cuddle-a-panda trip, Ice cream van. Nintendo DSi (not quite as unaffordable as a trip to Japan but not really worth the money cause we've got an original DS that works fine. ^-^)& There's a bunch of CD's that I own crap downloaded versions of and would like proper copies of, and cartoon series' that I'd like to own/own more of too.
Obviously I'm not expecting all of this haha.
Infact I'm not actually expecting any of it. I just like making lists. ^-^