Wednesday 24 February 2010


I thought I'd look around the shops for a bit after work. But after going in Topshop and seeing shelves full of replica Riot Grrrl & boxfresh Kinderwhore (they've taken that too Sophie D:) I had a bit of a breakdown and ended up in M&S looking at those trousers with the elasticated waste bands.
To backtrack a bit...I've been having a slight identity crisis the past few days. It was starting to feel like I'd forgotten who I was and I didn't know what I liked anymore. I was feeling completely boring and like I looked like everyone else. Which is so much worse than looking stupid or OTT. I felt like a fucking cliché.

The answer to this?

Yep. According to my less than together state of mind, this is what I want to wear.
I like them. A lot. But I'm not sure why, or quite how I came to this conclusion. I remember thinking Gwen Stefani circa 2001 & 1930's/40's boyshapes.
We'll see!


  1. you look awesome! &, oh no!!! :( i hate my fucking life. :((( fuck u topshop.

  2. Thank you! <3
    I know :( it was more Courtney Love shit than than Kathleen Hanna or Kat Bjelland & there was still plenty of the boring Topshop floral & beige, so there's still hope yet.
