Monday, 18 July 2011

Birthday, fuck yeah!

Despite the, er...circumstances. I had a really really awesome birthday. (Thanks guys ♡)

I finished work on the 6th & my Nonna came down from Derby to stay for a few days which was lovely.
Not expecting to be doing anything, Luke, Aaron & Ollie texted me on the friday night asking if I wanted to go out & I spent the eve of my 21st sat in the car park near Poco Loco drinking champagne out of paper cups.

Then on my birthday we went to Moogie Wonderland where I spent the night dancing, wing manning for Oliver & had to be carried home.

The following weekend we went camping to the seaside.

The camp site was even better than I could have hoped for. I wanted to camp on the beach but settled for a camp site in a seaside town thinking we could just pop out to the beach once we'd set up, but no...what I got was this:

We were literally right by the beach. It was beautiful.
I never really thanked these guys for getting me through the past few weeks & I don't know if they'll read this but I'd really have fallen apart without them, I owe them big time.
