Friday, 30 April 2010

Today I started reading Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

I started reading it before, about five years ago, and according to the reeeally bad photobooth picture of me and my friend Becky from when we were 14 that I was using as a bookmark, I got quite far through it.

Anyway. I'm only a couple of chapters in, but I'm really enjoying it. In fact, I enjoyed the first chapter so much, that I wanted to read it again once I'd finished it (but that would have just been stupid, so I continued on to the second chapter instead).

There's something so lovely about the narrative.
I quite envy his kids/grandkids. I can only imagine how amazing it would have been to sit down with him and hear stories about his life.

I'll definitely be reading more of his books after this one.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Went in for bubble mixture, came out with Wham bars.
I love you Poundland.

I don't ever really eat sweets. I prefer savoury junk food. But I've eaten so many of these today that I'm pretty sure I can feel my teeth decaying.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Wow. What a day!
After a bad start thinking I was late, getting lost in Shoreditch and eventually finding Sclater Street thanks to a lovely police man, I arrived at Superette to find out it started an hour later than expected and that I was actually 40 minutes early! Phew!

The talk was fantastic. And I'm a bit in love with Brick Lane ♡

I was quite nervous about it but I actually quite enjoyed being in London on my own.
The only time I really felt at a bit of a loss, was when something dripped on my head and not knowing what it was, assumed it was bird shit, then started feeling like I was getting funny looks from people.

Being pooed on by a bird is supposed to be good luck right?

I nearly asked an old lady, but instead opted to just put a hat on.

I still don't know what it was. I guess I'll find out when I get home :\


Sunday, 11 April 2010

I think commuting is finally starting to get to me.
Once I'd drawn the face on I didn't have the heart to throw him away, so he's sat in my bag right now. Completely stupid, I know.
I'm going to have to wash him out and keep pens in him or something (oh...and yes, he was my cup in the first place. I didn't just take home someone else's rubbish...that would be weird...).

Saturday, 10 April 2010


Hello new shirt!
It arrived in the post today and was waiting for me when I got home <3
(I'll upload a better photo later cause right now it's late, cold and I'm ill.)

I got paid at the end of last month. And apparently I only have £14 left in my bank....oops.

I've been on a bit of a spree buying tickets the past week..

'The Trade Secrets of Lady Luck Rules OK'-17th of April.
Daniel Clowes, Chris Ware and Audrey Niffenegger book signing-24th of May.
City and Colour-15th of June.

I'm also going to see Elliot in the middle of May, and there's the Anime Expo on the 29/30th of May. But I don't think I can afford all three in one month!

Anyway, I'm ill & I need to go get stuff ready for work tomorrow so I can go to sleep. All dayer today, and my next day off isn't until Friday D: Definitely need the money though! >.<

Friday, 9 April 2010

Didn't manage to get standing tickets for City & Colour. But for the most part, I'm just pleased I got tickets at all!

The whole thing has been ridiculous. They kept putting them on sale earlier than the advertised time. So even though I got up at 8.30 this morning ready for the advertised start time of 9.00, standing tickets on SeeTickets had sold out by 8.57.

There's some left on Ticketmaster, but I'd already bought the seated ones by the time I realised that. Plus they wouldn't let me buy more than one.

If I didn't love you so much Dallas Green, I'd totally have not bought tickets out of protest.