1. Marc Jacobs Lola perfume/ring.

2. Vivienne Westwood Melissa shoes. (STILL!)

3. Lolita coat.

4. Another pair of Silence + Noise pull on jeans. (acid wash grey plz)

5. Hamtaro/Pikachu/panda kigurumi.

( I WILL get a pair eventually! It's been about 4 years since I first saw
this video and fell in love, but couldn't find a pair anywhere. Now they're selling skellington ones in Urban Outfitters?! Fucksake!)
6. Roxy Yeti boots.

7. Cape
?!??!!?!?I can't find one I like :( and by the time I do, they'll be everywhere.8. Vanity case.
I've wanted one for aaages. But I didn't have any money to buy one last time I had a look for one, and now it's almost xmas so all the money I have is being saved for buying people's presents.

9. Monsoon fake fur cape.

10. Bowler hat.

11. Bow driving gloves in blackk (fake leather plzzzz!)

12. Beth Ditto for Evans chain print jumper.

13. This coat sold out evreewhereeeeez but ebay.

14. Daria DVD's. (the films too)

15. Cossak hat.

16. Cher Horrowitz shoes.

(I know there's more...i'll add them when I think of them.)