Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Panda! Go Panda!

'Scuse the squished face, I'm not quite sure what I was doing, but I'm waay excited cause this DVD came todayy :D
Along with this pyrex apple ash tray (The listing said it was a bowl, but it's still so cute) & pink bakelite cake stand <3
(they're for display when I start doing markets)


Monday, 28 September 2009

Be mine?

I've had some money saved up for liiike the past year, I've been really good and not touched it. But after much deliberation, (and them being re-stocked after I thought I'd missed my chance forever.) I've decided to go for it and get some of the beautiful shoes i've been dreaming of ♥ But now I dont know which ones to get...

I think i'm a little bit more in love with the gold?


Sunday, 27 September 2009

Moogie Wonderland ♥

Tonight I made £28 drinking Guinness. ^-^
Well not me so much as the lovely lovely lovely people at Moogie Wonderland who were selling my stuff on the door :)
Moogie Wonderland itself was lovely. <3
Nice atmosphere & music. Will definitely be going again!

Friday, 25 September 2009

Lettuce eating whore.

Today is 'Hug a vegetarian day'!

I just took a look at these comments submitted to PETA by the 'real men' and militant meat eaters of the world. It was making me so angry I had to stop reading. But I really want a t-shirt with 'lettuce eating whore' written on it now. lolol. (you'll understand if you read the comments)...

Some people are ridiculous. I'm not even going to start on how much it's pissed me off cause I'd be here all day.
I think letting them speak for themselves just shows how fucking stupid some people can be.

I have no problem with people who eat meat. I have a problem with people who are ignorant about what's in their food and how it's produced but still proceed to be abusive (with bad spelling) towards people who hold different beliefs to them.
You like meat, we don't. Get the fuck off of the PETA website if you're not interested in animal rights?!
( Don't get me wrong, some vegetarians are equally as bad, trying to shove their beliefs down peoples throats and that annoys me just as much. Raising awareness is one thing, being pushy and thinking your opinion is right and everyone elses is wrong is just awful. )

Lol. I know I said I wouldn't start. But I'm leaving it there.

I need to get back to sewing.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

I do believe it's true that there are roads left in both our shoes, but if the silence takes you then I hope it takes me too. So brown eyes I hold you near cause you're the only song I want to hear, a melody softly soaring through my atmosphere. ♥

Sunday, 20 September 2009


I just won a bid for 71 of these on ebay.

....I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do with them ^-^

I might replace every button on every item of clothing I own.
I'd probably still have loads left over.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

I haven't been this kinda drunk in a loooooong time. I'm so giggly and happy. I even disregarded my germaphobe tendencies, and just licked a sock to wipe some makeup off my face.
:| :| :|

Usually alcohol makes me cry. But today I tried rum & coke for the first time ever. And ended up drinking about 6 of them (with one double jaeger and red bull which was vomworthy!!) & i'm in such a good mood! :D

Goodbai snakebite. You're no longer welcome in my liver ^-^


Saturday, 12 September 2009

Is it a full moon?

I've been going proper crazy the past few days.
Ridiculous moodswings & absolute headfucks.
Going from 'I couldn't care less' to absolute paranoid crazy jealous bitch.

Last week I delved into the headache inducing world that is my old laptop to retrieve the episodes of Daria & Powepuff Girls Z that were on it. I only ever managed to get the first season of Daria but the past few day's i've been hunting down the others and they're on their way to being mine <3

(There's a Daria computer game?!!? But I can't find it for sale in the uk :( )

I'm currently heartaching over pandacam. Wishing I had spent £20 more and bought a C grade ipod touch from that Cex place instead of a 3rd gen nano, so I could watch pandacam wherever I can find wireless internet access. :( But I didn't.

I have buyers remorse. ahah.

asdfghj none of that is related. My thoughts are so ridiculously sporadic* at the moment.

*Clueless ♥

Friday, 4 September 2009

L.O.L.A. Lola! La la la la Lola

Marc Jacobs Daisy is my favourite perfume, and I wasn't expecting Lola to match up to it, but I had a sniff when I spotted it at Boots the other day, and it's equally as yummy <3
Plus the bottle is supercute.
I keep thinking about how nice it was. (I didn't know it was possible to fantasise about a smell, other than that of my boytoy)
However. The smallest bottle you can get is £45, which is money I don't have :(

Wednesday, 2 September 2009