Friday, 7 August 2009

I came downstairs to this the other morning...

He wouldn't get down and come indoors because of the kitten. He's such a wimp.
The (3 week old) kitten belongs to the lady next door. She doesn't have a catflap and works long hours, so when mummy cat decided to smuggle her kittens out of the bathroom window, this little one wandered into our garden. It meowed at me until I picked it up and then it fell asleep. <3 every time I tried putting it down it'd meow at me and try to leap onto my hand from wherever i'd left it. Soso cute.


  1. Now I don't normally like cats but: squeee!

  2. Super squee! <3 Jack said that Ben said that you said you're not coming back on WoW cause you've got no moneys? :( xx

  3. This is mostly true for now :(
