Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Songs I can't get out of my head at the moment...

This nearly made me cry the first time I heard it. The words are just so beautiful. <3

I found this when I was looking for the one above.
Absolute tingles. <3 His voice never gets old. When we went to see Alexisonfire last last year, I was just in total awe.


p.s. I want to be a roller derby girl <3 It looks like Fight Club with sequins. But I can't rollerskate. I have enough trouble walking sometimes. (N)
I thought it looked awesome when I saw the episode of Psych where O'Hara goes undercover as one.
But I completely forgot about it until I saw this advertised in a magazine: http://www.londonrollergirls.com/
Screw going out drinking...I wanna go to a roller derby!

Cold turkey.

I drink, on average, two cups of tea an hour every hour i'm awake. I'm not quite sure how many that is a day but I think it's more than is healthy. Anyway, we didn't have any milk for a couple of days last week, I wasn't bothered cause I was drinking green tea instead, but I had the worst headache for two days solid.

Because I'm a massive caffeine junkie apparently.

I thought I was just dehydrated, but no amount of liquid or headache tablets made a difference.
& even though I didn't fancy a cup of tea that much, as soon as I had one, it went away.

How stupid is that?

This is an artists interpretation (/awful photoshop edit ^-^) of how I will look as a full blown tea junkie...

( I am wearing clothes under the teacup, honest! Here's the original photo of my lovely panda swimsuit & sequin shorts

Other thing's I'm getting withdrawal symptoms from...

1. WoW.

2. Mario Kart.

That's all I want to do. Play games, drink tea and eat chilli/noodles/seaweed/crisps/pasta.
Carbs, caffeine and online games...I'm on the fast track to being a fatty...:S

& I can't sleep at night any more. I went to bed at 3.30, got up at 8.30. And I'm pretty sure not sleeping much just increases the intake of all of the above. :\

Diagnosis murder is on. For the next 45 minutes I don't care about anything.
asdfgh!?!?!? Why is Murder She Wrote on instead of Diagnosis Murder?! ( most people would probably think "what's the difference?"...'lots' is the difference kthnx.) No Dick Van Dyke to brighten up my afternoon with his cheeky charm? I need a cup of tea.


Monday, 20 July 2009

Nebular pandas

I just bought this, cause it's on sale, from £54 to £20! and I know i'd cry if I missed out on it. They only had size 10 left but it should fit ok.
It's on sale at asos too for £30 and they have it in an 8, but I think I can deal with a bit of baggyness if it saves me £10.

I'm going to wear it everydayyy <3 till I smell like panda armpits. :3

Thursday, 16 July 2009

I heart Italy.

This weekend was odd but nice.
I cancelled the picnic on Saturday due to yucky weather, and on Sunday my Nonna, uncle, auntie and cousins came down from Derby/Leicester for a couple of days.

They arrived Sunday afternoon, and all stayed in a hotel (except Nonna, who stayed here) and then we met up again Monday, had dinner then they went home. It was brief and we didn't do a lot. We mostly just played Halo and Gears of War (I suck at Halo so much but I love love love GoW <3) but it was nice just to spend time hanging out.

They're all off to Italy tomorrow. I miss it so much. :(
The cute little village half way up a mountain where Nonna has a house. Laughing at the Italian boys with their mopeds and mullets. The awesome night markets along the beach and the weekend morning markets in the village square where Nonna does hard bargaining and haggles until we get stuff cheap ^-^

Not to mention two whole weeks of Nonna's cooking <333333 yummy ice cream, the village arcades with Time Crisis and the crazy Italian shops. Ohhh. It's just so lovely. If we had internet at the house out there, (and I could speak Italian) I'd never want to come home.

These are the only two photo's I can find...and they don't show any Italy, just how ginger I am naturally! (which, strangely, I also kinda miss. I've been waiting for it to grow out for aages now, and still no ginge? I think it's gone forever)

Idk where all the photo's have gone? I'll keep looking cause I'm feeling nostalgic.


Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Yaay! :D

I found this website a while ago, but I just came across it again and it's even more fantastic than I first thought...
Click me

It's got the tempura seaweed! <3 (as well as the tomato flavour and others)
And lots of noodles!
these seaweed animal biscuits that I bought about 3 years from Chinatown, but they don't sell them any more, and I thought I'd never see them again!
Click me

Well, I know what I'm spending birthday money on! ^-^

Over and out spacecadets ♥x